After I published my latest post about our second trip to the Children's Museum, my mother pointed out something I failed to correct; and I figured just editing that last post was not enough, and it needed a post all of its own.
I mentioned how we were related to Captain Kidd, but I was wrong. My family is NOT related to Capt. Kidd, but we DO have relatives who had a run-in with him.
Mary King, an ancestor on my mom's side, married a Mr. John Gardiner, Third Lord of the Manor of the Isle of Wight (aka Gardiner's Island).
One day in 1699, Capt. Kidd and his crew landed on Gardiner's Island, buried booty that they pillaged, and threatened John Gardiner that it remained undisturbed or he would lose his life.
The account in our family's history book went on to explain: "The British government learned of the treasure and called Gardiner to Boston to explain. While he was gone, Captain Kidd returned to the island and ordered John's wife, Mary, to prepare a meal for him. She was so afraid that she dared not refuse and prepared a feast which pleased Kidd so much that he gave Mary some fine gold cloth and other presents. Some time later, Captain Kidd was captured by the British government, taken (to) England and hanged. Kidd's treasure, claimed by the British government, was turned over in its entirety by Gardiner."
So folks, there you have it. Our 15 minutes of "fame", haha.