Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Engagement Ring

Here is a collage of pictures that I took of my beautiful  engagement ring. Enjoy :)

Monday, September 12, 2011


So, things don't always go as planned, but that doesn't mean that they weren't planned. (Maybe not by us, but by God they were.)

 I'm suppose to be in Pensacola right now, sleeping in a dorm and worrying about tomorrow's classes. Buuuuut, I'm not. Some things just don't work out how we foresee them (like in my case, where we didn't have the finaces for me to go to school.)

 But at the same time though, I didn't see me getting engaged. Yep, that's right, I'm engaged!!!!

(Don't mind the bad picture of me.)

 After receiving my dad's blessing, my fiance *squeal!* proposed to me downtown on the canal. (After having spent a marvelous day at the zoo where we were able to feed his favorite animal, the giraffe...

we went to my favorite part, the dolphin dome...

 we petted one of my favorite animals: an elephant...

 had a REALLY good Barqs rootbeer: my favorite drink; and to top it off I got engaged. Yeah, I'd say that's a productive day.) *Haha, ok, I wouldn't normally include the part about the root beer, but I mean this was very, VERY good root beer. VERY delicious!*

(Pictures of ring to follow...)