Friday, February 11, 2011

Ice Storm

 An ice storm started one night about a week ago, and the following morning we awoke to the whole earth frozen in time....or so it seemed. What snow that had started to melt was frozen, the wind whipping it smooth as glass. One miscalculated step and you were sure to go a-slippin' and a-slidin'!

 It was rather striking to see the ice scintillate in the sunlight- and rather fun to go "iceboarding" down our hill (only, without the board)!

 But of course, the ice storms (and the bounty of snow that preceded and followed) do not come without a price. We were basically snowed it for a week, vehicular crashes were common in the news, homes were without power, roofs and buildings collapsed across the state, and many, MANY people were finding inventful ways to dig/melt themselves out of their homes.

  Clearly, plain ol' salt and a shovel wouldn't do it. The news interviewed citizens who used blowtorches, gasoline, picks, and even commercialized tools to help break up the snow. But in the end, almost everyone had to greatly rely on the sun, hoping it will melt the ice and quickly.

(Huh, isn't that spiritually like people today? They do everything that they can in their own power and strength to "save" themselves, when all they have to do is ask the Son...)

 Anyways, here are a few pictures of our mailbox, trees, swingset, slide etc. that were laden with ice.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Book Review- "The Pirate Queen"

 "The Pirate Queen" is a bitter-sweet, fictional story about Saphora Warren, a woman who has it all yet has nothing.

  Fed up with the emptiness of her picturesque life, Mrs. Warren packs her bags and plans to leave her cheating husband, Bender; but before she can, her husband confesses to her his shocking secret: he's dying.

 Out of begrudging loyalty, Saphora takes care of Bender, all the while wishing for an opportunity to escape.

 Soon, her home is filled with her grown children, unwanted relatives, and the love of an adopted neighbor boy who holds a secret.

 Thanks to WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group (from whom I received this free book to review) I was able to join Saphora as she struggles to love and find love in this gripping novel that will have you rooting for her, cover to cover.